Student Work: Stop Motion Film Dailies

Work Product: Stop motion film dailies

Student Leaders
Co-Directors: Franklyn and Nyoka
1st AD: Berenize
Cinematographer: Nassir
Screenwriter: Raul

Proudest Moment: Another minor incident of theft. Our Lego knight minifig (who also happened to be our protagonist) was stolen from the back of the classroom. Confronted with the reality that shipping a duplicate minifig would take two weeks (or more), I announced to the class that filming would have to be cancelled. Co-Director Nyoka countered: "Do we have any other minifigs in the classroom?" We had some ninja minifigs in the back -- unused remnants of the dragon building kit. Nyoka looked through the ninjas and picked out one of them. "We can use him as the knight!" I pointed out that he doesn't look anything like the original minifig used in most of our shots. Nyoka shrugged and said: "So? We'll paint him silver." It was the clearest demonstration of strong leadership that I've seen in my classroom all year.

Next Steps: Next year, students will have the option of creating stop motion films again, but we'll limit them to being 1:30-2:00. My students drastically underestimated how much time stop motion animation takes and how challenging it can be to get the perfect sequence.

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